Movies I've Seen
Talking about movies I've seen; new, old, good, bad, all genres, but my favorite is horror. In-depth looks at movies I love or hate, and the reasons why we feel so strongly about movies. I also bring a strong feminist perspective to every table I sit at. Instagram: @moviesiveseenpod Email: moviesiveseenpod@gmail.com
37 episodes
The First Omen
A horror movie about a young woman uncovering dark secrets in a stoic society? Sign us right up! Listen to Jackie and Kara gush about this prequel to a 50 year old horror franchise and be as impressed as they were with the results.
Season 5
Episode 1

Strange Days
Jackie leads Sam down a path of neurotransmitted cyberpunk technology, straight towards a weird romance starring Ralph Finnes and Angela Bassett. ig: @moviesiveseenpodemail: mo...
Season 4
Episode 4

Transformers: Rise of the Beasts
Jackie learns way more than she ever wanted to know about Transformers and the movie was pretty fun this time. Wait, is it TerrAcons or Terrorcons...?See Dara's art @decepticonfettiSho...
Season 4
Episode 3

Are You There God, It's Me, Margaret?
Jackie and Sam talk about the peaks of this delightful film, and relate personally with the story it told. ig: @moviesiveseenpodemail: moviesiveseenpod@gmail.compatreon.com/movi...
Season 4
Episode 2

Near Dark
Jackie and Sam love this gothic western horror romance, but wait there's more! It is also pretty ruthless and charming. ig: @moviesiveseenpodemail: moviesiveseenpod@gmail.com
Season 4
Episode 1

Children of Men
An emotional and thoughtful discussion of this modern classic, and a nifty look into Jackie's ability to evaluate how a movie curates its own emotionality. Plus feminism! Spoilers ahead, pre-watching the film is recommended in the intro.
Season 3
Episode 11

Plane and Megan
Jackie and Sam have a fun time talking about the many merits of these new films: Plane and M3GAN. Please consider this episode a film review with moderate spoilers. ig: @moviesiveseenpodemail: moviesiveseenpod@gmail.com
Season 3
Episode 10

Terrifier, Terrifier 2 and Prey for the Devil
The story of Jackie being upset about an evil clown winning her over, despite committing heinous acts of murder. A surprisingly emotional episode talking about fear, pain and nightmares. Stay tuned for a lil bit about Prey for the Devil from so...
Season 3
Episode 9

Jackie and Sam both loved this instant cult classic, but beware, it is a truly brutal film. Contact the show:email: MoviesIveSeenPod@gmail.com falcojackie@gmail.comig: @moviesiv...
Season 3
Episode 8

Showgirls and Angel in Red
Welcome to Pedro Tejada, who loves Showgirls so much, he wanted to sit down and share his glee, while Jackie cringed and howled through this insane movie. It is awful, it is sexist, and it is unmistakable. Then Jackie and Sam watched an early J...
Season 3
Episode 7

Mini-Review of Barbarian
It was scary! email: falcojackie@gmail.com, moviesiveseenpod@gmail.comtwitter: @falcojackieig: MoviesIveSeenPodSupport the show! www.patreon.com/moviesiveseen
Season 3
Episode 6

BARBARIAN (without & with spoilers)
Spoilers start around 7 min in, so watch out!Jackie and Kara talk about the new horror movie that everyone is else is talking about, too. Is it feminist? Is it scary? What on earth was happening? Listen now to find out!Link to Yhara...
Season 3
Episode 6

Jackie and Sam discuss the heroism and masculinity present in David Fincher's masterpiece Seven. It is a powerful movie that left a strong impression on both of them. Listen to hear a reflection on the success of the film, and beware of s...
Season 3
Episode 5

Black Phone & The Northman
Jackie and Sam talk about some movies they've enjoyed and have a lot of fun doing it. How many film adaptations of Shakespeare can you name? Jackie tries her best. What movies do you want to hear her talk about next?email: moviesiveseen...
Season 3
Episode 4

Phoenix Rising
Sam and Jackie really liked the intense documentary from HBO. Listen to hear a brief synopsis of the film, and their personal reactions to the revelations in it. As it turns out, Marilyn Manson was telling us how terrible he was back in 1998, a...
Season 3
Episode 3

Scream 5
Jackie and Sam complain about Scream 5, toxic fan service and praise the memory of Donald Pleasence. email: MoviesIveSeenPod@gmail.comPatreon www.patreon.com/moviesiveseentwitter @falcojackie
Season 3
Episode 2

The Batman (without and with Spoilers)
Jackie and Sam discuss the new Batman film and compare it to other iterations, including DC animated Batman. There is spoiler free talk for about the first 8 min, so listen risk free. Support the show on
Season 3
Episode 1

Scream 2, Scream 3 and Scream 4 - Why Don't They Call It Scream 5?
Jackie and Sam talk about the Scream sequels, as a follow up to the Scream episode from October . There are interesting facets to all of these movies. For those in a ...
Season 2
Episode 19

Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City
Jackie and Sam watched a crummy movie and they chat about it. email: MoviesIveSeenPod@gmail.com
Season 2
Episode 17

The Last Duel
Jackie laments the politics of The Last Duel all by herself. She is taking suggestions.twitter @falcojackieemail MoviesIveSeenPod@gmail.comSupport survivors of sexual assault at https://www.rainn...
Season 2
Episode 16

Halloween Kills The Franchise (2021)
Jackie watched Halloween Kills last night, and hated it, so she ranted about it with Sam for a while. Spoilers!email: MoviesIveSeenPod@gmail.comtwitter: @falcojackie
Season 2
Episode 15

Scream 1 (If they won't number the sequels, I'll number the originals)
Scream was a huge hit and a great film, but were there mistakes in it? Jackie and Sam discuss the tropes identified and codified by this horror classic. email: MoviesIveSeenPod@gmail.comtwitter: @falcojackie
Season 2
Episode 14

Child's Play is a Perfect Film
Jackie and Sam talk enthusiastically about Child's Play, and revel in every perfect detail of this often-overlooked horror classic. email MoviesIveSeenPod@gmail.com
Season 2
Episode 13